Pinda Thailam



Pinda Thailam è un olio ayurvedico specializzato formulato per alleviare l'infiammazione, la sensazione di bruciore e il dolore associati a condizioni come la gotta e l'artrite. Questa miscela tradizionale combina potenti ingredienti vegetali noti per le loro proprietà rinfrescanti e antinfiammatorie, offrendo un sollievo mirato per articolazioni e muscoli infiammati.

Ampiamente utilizzato nelle terapie ayurvediche, Pinda Thailam lenisce il corpo riducendo il calore e bilanciando il dosha Pitta aggravato. È particolarmente utile per gestire le condizioni di dolore cronico, poiché fornisce un approccio naturale e olistico al sollievo. L'uso regolare di questo olio aiuta a migliorare la mobilità, riduce il disagio e favorisce la salute delle articolazioni.

Ideale per chi cerca un sollievo naturale dai dolori articolari e muscolari, Pinda Thailam offre un rimedio collaudato per raggiungere un comfort e un benessere fisico duraturi.

Contenuto netto: 200ML

Estimated delivery between ottobre 25 and ottobre 27.

Pinda Thailam is a therapeutic Ayurvedic oil for neurological health and muscle strength.

1. Pinda Thailam is effective in treating pain associated with gouty arthritis, including symptoms such as burning, swelling, redness, and throbbing pain. It is also beneficial for other types of arthritis.

2. Patients with gout can benefit from performing daily Abhyanga (oil massage) with this oil before bathing to maximize its therapeutic effects.

3. This oil is helpful in reducing pain and burning sensations associated with varicose veins; however, it should be applied gently on the affected veins.

4. Pinda Thailam is particularly suitable for individuals with Pitta Prakriti, making it an excellent choice as a massage oil for these individuals.

5. It is beneficial in neurological conditions, such as paralysis and hemiplegia, by improving muscle function.

6. During massage, it provides a calm and relaxing effect, helping to relieve stress and tension.

For External Application: Warm the oil slightly before use for enhanced absorption. Apply a generous amount of Pinda Thailam to the affected areas, particularly inflamed or painful joints and muscles. Massage gently in circular motions until the oil is absorbed. Leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes to allow the herbs to deeply penetrate and provide relief. Rinse off with lukewarm water or a mild cleanser. For chronic pain or inflammation, use daily for best results. For Ayurvedic Therapies: Pinda Thailam is often used in Ayurvedic treatments like Abhyanga (therapeutic massage) for managing inflammatory conditions. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized treatment advice.


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