Segreti per la cura della pelle ayurvedica


Khadira is a potent skin-benefiting Ayurvedic herb. Its botanical name is Acacia catechu, and it belongs to the Mimosoideae family. Khadira, commonly known as kattha or black catechu, is a deciduous tree valued for its wood and bark, primarily due to their medicinal properties. It is commonly grown in the Himalayan and northeastern states of India.


1. Rasa (Taste): Tikta (bitter), Kasaya (astringent)

2. Guna (Qualities): Laghu (light), Ruksa (dry)

3. Virya (Potency): Sita (cool)

4. Vipaka (Post-digestive effect): Katu (pungent)

5. Karma (Actions): Kapha-pittahara (alleviates Kapha and Pitta), Medoghna (reduces fat)


Khadira is known for its kushthaghna (anti-leprotic), stambhana (astringent), and kandughna (anti-itching) properties, making it effective in treating all skin diseases and intense itching. As a blood purifier and hemostatic agent, it is used for wound healing and in dental conditions. In leprosy, bathing with a decoction of Khadira is recommended. It is also used for oral hygiene and treating pharyngeal ulcers. Common skin problems treated with Khadira include skin allergies, itching, rashes, acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and urticaria.


1. Digestive System

Khadira improves taste, acts as a constipative, and is useful in treating anorexia and diarrhea.

2. Circulatory System

Khadira reduces edema, and the juice of the fresh bark is used as a blood purifier.

3. Respiratory System

Khadira reduces Kapha due to its Tikta and Kashaya rasas. A lozenge made from Khadira and Cinnamomum is used to clear the throat.

4. Urinary System

Khadira is Kaphaghna (reduces Kapha) and helps balance urine output, making it useful in managing diabetes.

5. Reproductive System

Khadira is used as a uterine tonic.

6. Temperature Regulation

Due to its Tikta and Sheeta properties, Khadira is used as an antipyretic for treating chronic fever.


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