Kapooradi Thailam



Kapooradi Thailam è un olio ayurvedico tradizionale realizzato da esperti per fornire sollievo dal dolore e dall'infiammazione. Infuso con la naturale bontà della canfora e di altri ingredienti a base di erbe, è particolarmente efficace nell'alleviare la rigidità muscolare, i dolori articolari e le condizioni respiratorie. Le sue proprietà di riscaldamento favoriscono la circolazione e aiutano nel recupero dei muscoli doloranti. Kapooradi Thailam viene utilizzato anche per i suoi effetti lenitivi sul petto quando massaggiato delicatamente, rendendolo ideale per migliorare il comfort respiratorio. Questo olio è un must per coloro che cercano soluzioni naturali per alleviare il dolore e la salute respiratoria.

Estimated delivery between settembre 22 and settembre 24.


  • Apium graveolens, Camphor, Sesame oil


  • 200 ML


Kapooradi Thailam by Art of Vedas

Kapooradi Thailam for Holistic Health

Art of Vedas Kapooradi Thailam is an Ayurvedic oil revered for its ability to soothe respiratory conditions and relieve muscular and joint pain. Infused with camphor and a blend of medicinal herbs, it acts as a decongestant and anti-inflammatory agent. This oil is particularly beneficial in managing symptoms of cold and enhancing circulation, providing relief by warming and soothing the affected areas. Regular use can help improve overall vitality and well-being, making it a valuable addition to daily health routines. This oil is a testament to the traditional Ayurvedic approach to treating ailments holistically, focusing on both prevention and healing.

How to use Kapooradi Thailam

  1. Warm the Oil: Slightly warm the Kapooradi Thailam to enhance its effectiveness, ensuring it's comfortably warm but not hot.
  2. Apply to Affected Areas: Massage the oil gently into the skin over affected areas, focusing on joints, muscles, or the chest, depending on your symptoms.
  3. Use Appropriate Techniques: For muscle and joint discomfort, use long strokes and circular motions. For respiratory issues, apply with gentle taps on the chest and back.
  4. Allow Time for Absorption: Let the oil sit and penetrate deeply for at least 30 minutes; overnight application is beneficial if tolerable.
  5. Cleanse Afterward: Bathe or shower to remove excess oil, if desired, using warm water to aid further therapeutic absorption.

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